Our specialized managed data services team goes to your field sites to collect data and observations about your wells, pipelines and facilities.

The collected data is uploaded to your data repository and utilized to assist in decision making across the organization. This creates value by decreasing the need for individual teams from various lines of business to conduct site visits, resulting in lower operating costs.

Data is collected electronically, using the latest GPS and unmanned aerial vehicles for speed and accuracy. We record what we find, where we found it and when … resulting in the most current and “real time” information possible.

Managed data services deliverables and benefits include:

  • Decision making based on real time data
  • Improved accessibility – single data source
  • Consolidation of data required for A&D activities
  • Ability to directly leverage data for risk assessments and liability calculations
  • Geocoded photos, videos, and drone imagery

Learn more about our managed data services. Contact us today.