
Pipeline operators in North America face mounting regulatory and business pressures to integrate and manage their ever-growing streams of asset data, generated by a broad range of sources that can include field operations, 3rd party inspections, integrated business systems, and external databases. Just as varied as the data sources are the formats, naming conventions, and delivery/storage methods. 

Data management and data integration are now at the forefront of strategic planning and regulatory compliance in nearly every industry, including Oil & Gas (O&G). As the reliance on complete, accurate data continues to grow, so, too, do the challenges regarding effective management tools, quality assurance, and the adoption of industry best practices to ensure we are maximizing its potential value.  

In this recorded presentation, Wesley Allanbrook, VP of Technology and Product Management at Dynamic Risk, explores data management and advanced analytic tools for O&G pipelines. Wes discusses how pipeline asset data can be used to create a foundation that enables operators to meet the new regulatory standards including:  

  • Quantitative Risk Assessments  
  • Engineering Critical Assessments  
  • Individual Risk & Societal Risk  
  • Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Reconfirmation 


Wes also discusses how newly available data management and machine learning tools can leverage large, integrated data warehouses to speed up data integration, populate values for missing data, and predict pipeline behavior where data is scarce.