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Advanced Analysis and Analytics using RiskAnalyst and Author

Vincent Soo – Engineer, Technology Solutions

‍Two primary applications within the Dynamic Risk IRAS Suite are RiskAnalyst and Author. In this workshop, Vincent showcases some of the analytic capabilities of RiskAnalyst, such as Action Items, P&MMs Registry and applied P&MMs. In addition, he demonstrates tips and tricks for Author, as well as advanced capabilities such as data configuration and leveraging other Author algorithms.

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Interacting Threats and Data Integration using ILIAnalyst

Kyle Zess – Team Lead, Software Development

‍This session will dive into the functionality within the IRAS ILIAnalyst tool to identify potential interacting threats and use data integration to identify potential failure points along the pipeline, that without overlayed data points, would not be detectable. Using master girth weld alignment techniques, the tool can help you save time and energy overlaying data sets from multiple vendors, years, and tool technologies.

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Explorer – The All-in-one Integrity Data Management Solution

Han Wu – Director, Technology Solutions 

‍Introducing Explorer, the all-in-one technology package for pipeline data visualization, integrity program data management, document control, and reporting of risk assessment results. Explorer provides users with an intuitive interface and access to system-wide data with only a few clicks of the mouse. It is ideal for individuals with limited time available, providing web-based accessibility and quick data retrieval time.

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Emerging Fuels – Key Considerations for Conversion of a Pipeline System to Hydrogen Service

Gary Yoho – Principal Consultant

‍Dealing with Emerging Fuels and Hydrogen, Gary’s presentation provides a brief synopsis of Dynamic Risk’s growing experience with Hydrogen and discusses chief areas of integrity concern and risk when considering the conversion of an existing pipeline system to hydrogen service.

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Predictive Analytics – The Dynamic Risk Technology Roadmap

Wesley Allanbrook – Vice President, Technology and Product Management

‍In this presentation, Wes discusses how Dynamic Risk will apply advanced technology and data science tools to our extensive pipeline integrity dataset. Wes focuses on how client partnerships and expert in-house SME knowledge can shape and enhance the value of the results for the end users.

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Overcoming Challenges for Quantitative Risk Modeling Using Machine Learned Data Correlations and Predictive Modeling

Steve Biagiotti – Chief Engineer

After 20 years of learnings and successful risk reduction, the pipeline industry is striving to achieve the next step change in risk performance by migrating from relative index-based risk models toward probabilistic approaches across all threats and all pipeline segments for system-wide risk assessment. While the quantification of pipeline risk can be readily supported by in-line inspection (ILI) results coupled with probabilistic limit state modeling for certain threats where this information is available, where such data is lacking for other pipeline segments or threats, it is necessary to apply a meaningful methodology to establish the probability of failure for all dynamic segments used to quantify risk. The presentation proposes strategies for classifying assets, other than indexing, for application in those situations where machine learning does not indicate statistically significant variable correlations or yield strong predictions of target outcomes. Although seemingly straightforward, several challenges exist for achieving seamless implementation.

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Consulting Integration Case Study

Phillip Nidd – Director, Major Projects

Phillip speaks to the value-added elements of the NDT Global – Dynamic Risk integrated pipeline assessment service, through a review of a recent project undertaken to identify immediate conditions for investigation and provide recommendations to minimize the potential for pipeline leak or rupture, in alignment with an appropriate re-inspection plan. The project entailed a full review of in-line inspection features in alignment with operating information, material records, and additional integrity datasets to support a threat assessment review of the pipeline.

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